LASYS Fair in Stuttgart from the 24th to the 26th of June 2014
Professional fair for system solutions in laser material processing
Fuchs Umwelttechnik presented itself at this leading inter-branch fair for high quality laser systems and accessory components again as they did two years ago.
In addition to the extraction and filtering systems for different laser emissions proven many times over and in use world-wide, Fuchs Umwelttechnik presented not only new generations in the compact equipment sector but also innovative new developments.
Our booth at LASYS in Stuttgart
Model type IF
One of these is the revised model type IF. This features large filter areas with an extremely compact design, different volume flows as well as numerous filter equipment versions can be used. Flow optimised air guidance ensures high efficiency.
Pre-separator VA2PF01
The new development of the compact pre-separator VA2PF01 for filtering of dust emissions was also exhibited. The special features of this are the automatic cleaning function and the contamination-free dust removal in PE bags. This progress allows larger quantities of emissions to be handled easily and safely. The device can be connected to an existing extraction and filtering unit.
Pre-separator VA2PF01
Modular laser protection booth type LKS
Another innovation is our modular laser protection booth type LKS with certification as per DIN EN 60825-4. It serves to screen useful radiation as well as reflecting or scattered laser radiation. By optimum utilisation of flow technology, the air pollutants are collected very effectively and extracted from the booth.
Modular laser protection booth type LKS Mdular laser protection booth type LKS
New extraction and filtering concept
A new extraction and filtering concept which was developed in motor sport was also on show. It is a mobile and independent (grinding) workstation. An extraction and filtering unit of the TKFD series as well as a coarse pre-separator TKFRVAG ensure separation and removal of the coarse and fine particles. The two integrated drawers provide room for all components and accessories that are relevant for extraction and filtering. The case also contains a collapsible work table.
Extraction and filtering unit MKFVA320
In our proven MKFVA320 and MKFVA450 extraction and filtering unit, the handling of the dust disposal and the filter replacement especially has been considerably improved. The contamination-free removal of dust by PE bags is standard here. The lid module can now be lifted up with gas spring support.
Extraction and filtering unit MKFVA320
A special occasion this year was the visit by the State Secretary in the Ministry of Finance and Economy in Baden-Württemberg. Ingo Rust is himself a graduate in Mechanical Engineering and was impressed by the technical versatility and strength of innovation of Fuchs Umwelttechnik.