New products from Fuchs Umwelttechnik

– and we are already working on the next topic
Jun 2024

INRV in stainless steel –
With EX protection concept against fine dusts in laser packaging labelling

In accordance with last year's revised version of the EU directive on packaging and packaging waste, the amount of disposable and non-degradable packaging will be reduced radically or will disappear …
May 2024

Top Score for Fuchs Umwelttechnik

How good are we really? Do we rate ourselves the same as our customers do?
We recently received the vendor rating of our customer Hoeckle Austria GmbH for the year 2023. Various departments there …
Apr 2024

E-Mobility – pollution problems when stripping insulation from the hairpin? We solve them.

Although driving electric vehicles creates no exhaust gases, there are still toxic and highly inflammable air emissions to be eliminated in electric motor construction.

The problem:

For fitting to the …
Mar 2024

First-rate climate!
No plastic vapours in the climate cabinet – the mobile extraction and filtering device
MKF625.1 with MKFFA4

Our engineers have developed the tailor-made solution for the collection and filtering of harmful vapours, smells or also melted particles which occur in different continuous tests with PA and PP …